Kivulini is a registered non-governmental organisation based in Mwanza, Tanzania. It was founded in 1999 by six Tanzanian women who could not sit back and simply watch the rampant violence against women and girls taking place in their communities.
In Swahili Kivulini means “in the shade”; Kivulini implies a place of safety, perhaps under a tree, where people meet for discussions and offer support to one another.
For more than twelve years, Kivulini has been mobilising entire communities to break free of domestic violence and to respect and value the rights of women and girls. We believe that violence against women does not just happen, but is entrenched in societal norms and practices, therefore we strive to tackle the root causes of violence. In collaboration with a wide network of partners, we work to facilitate an enabling social and legal environment for women and girls and to create opportunities for communities to organise towards preventing violence so that women and girls are able to live life fully.
Kivulini’s Vision:
A domestic violence free community that respects and values women’s rights.
To facilitate the creation of social, economic and legal environments within society that guarantee women and girls’ right to live in violence free communities through self-empowerment, advocacy, and an active social movement for change.
Core Values:
- Preventing violence against women and girls
- Equality and justice for men and women
- Tolerance and appreciation of diversity
- Respect of the rights of women and girls and their inherent dignity
- Accountability and transparency to partners and stakeholders
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni